> 文章列表 > 英语作业有关春节的单词






  • 年糕 (Nian-gao) - Spring Festival rice cake
  • 团圆饭 (Family reunion dinner) - Reunion dinner
  • 年夜饭 (The dinner on New Year\'s Eve) - New Year\'s Eve dinner
  • 红包 (Red envelope) - Red packet (a monetary gift given during Spring Festival)
  • 舞龙 (Dragon dance) - Dragon dance
  • 放鞭炮 (Set off firecrackers) - Set off firecrackers
  • 舞狮 (Lion dance) - Lion dance
  • 烟花 (Fireworks) - Fireworks
  • 灯笼 (Lantern) - Lantern
  • 拜年 (Pay a New Year visit) - Visit relatives and friends during Spring Festival



  • 春联 (Couplets) - Spring festival couplets
  • 舞狮 (Lion dance) - Lion dance
  • 年货 (New Year\'s goods) - Festive goods for the Spring Festival
  • 年兽 (Year monster) - Year beast
  • 年画 (New Year paintings) - New Year paintings
  • 鞭炮 (Firecrackers) - Firecrackers
  • 灯谜 (Riddles written on lanterns) - Lantern riddles
  • 压岁钱 (Lucky money) - New Year\'s money
  • 吉祥话 (Good luck phrases) - Auspicious sayings
  • 团圆饭 (Family reunion dinner) - Reunion dinner



  • 名词 (Nouns): 春节 (Spring Festival)、红包 (Red envelope)、年糕 (Spring festival rice cake)、团圆饭 (Reunion dinner)
  • 形容词 (Adjectives): 热闹的 (Lively)、喜庆的 (Festive)、吉祥的 (Auspicious)
  • 动词 (Verbs): 庆祝 (Celebrate)、拜年 (Visit relatives and friends during Spring Festival)、舞狮 (Perform the lion dance)


春节的英文单词是 \"Spring Festival\"。春节在中国农历正月初一庆祝,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。它标志着新的一年的开始,人们会举行各种庆祝活动。



  • 年糕 (Rice cake) - 年糕 (Nian-gao)
  • 饺子 (Dumplings) - 饺子 (Jiaozi)
  • 汤圆 (Sweet dumplings) - 汤圆 (Tangyuan)
  • 春运 (Spring Festival travel rush) - 春运 (Chunyun)
  • 舞狮 (Lion dance) - 舞狮 (Wushi)
  • 放鞭炮 (Set off firecrackers) - 放鞭炮 (Fang bianpao)
  • 贴春联 (Paste Spring Festival couplets) - 贴春联 (Tie chunlian)
  • 赏灯笼 (Admire lanterns) - 赏灯笼 (Shang denglong)
  • 拜年 (Pay a New Year visit) - 拜年 (Bainian)



  • The Spring Festival - 春节 (Chun jie)
  • 农历 (Lunar calendar) - 农历 (Nongli)
  • 正月 (First month of the lunar calendar) - 正月 (Zhengyue)
  • 除夕 (New Year\'s Eve) - 除夕 (Chuxi)
  • 初一 (First day of the lunar year) - 初一 (Chuyi)
  • 舞狮 (Lion dance) - 舞狮 (Wushi)
  • 舞龙 (Dragon dance) - 舞龙 (Wulong)
  • 放鞭炮 (Set off firecrackers) - 放鞭炮 (Fang bianpao)

英语作文 My Spring Festival

My spring festivalThis year I have a happy spring festival with my family.On New Year\'s Eve, all members of my family gathered together to have a big dinner. We enjoyed various traditional dishes, such as dumplings, rice cakes, and fish. We also set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the new year. During the Spring Festival, we visited our relatives and friends, exchanged red envelopes, and received lucky money. It was a joyous and festive time. I also had a great time watching lion dances and dragon dances. The vibrant colors and energetic movements were captivating. Overall, my spring festival was filled with laughter, love, and traditions that will be cherished for a lifetime.



  • 春节 (The Spring Festival) - 春节 (Chun jie)
  • 元宵节 (Lantern Festival) - 元宵节 (Yuanxiao jie)
  • 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival) - 端午节 (Duānwǔ jié)
  • 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival) - 中秋节 (Zhōngqiū jié)



  • 单词 (Words): 剪纸 (Paper-cuts)、年画 (New Year paintings)、春联 (Spring festival couplets)、舞狮 (Lion dance)
  • 祝福语 (Greetings): 恭喜发财 (Wishing you prosperity)、万事如意 (May all your wishes come true)、身体健康 (Wishing you good health)

用英语写出中国传统节日如:New Year\'s Day 春节


  • 元旦 (1月1日): New Year\'s Day
  • 春节 (农历一月一日): The Spring Festival
  • 元宵节 (农历一月十五日): The Lantern Festival
  • 国际劳动妇女节 (3月8日): International Women\'s Day