> 文章列表 > 过年能在朋友家拜年吗英语






The Spring Festival in China is equivalent to the New Year celebration. During this time, relatives and friends visit each other\'s homes, conveying their greetings and well-wishes for the new year. It is a time for reunions, joyful gatherings, and exchanging blessings.


在英语中,拜年可以翻译为\"New Year\'s greetings\"或者\"paying a New Year\'s visit\"。而\"利是\"可以表达为\"red envelope\",\"年夜饭\"则是\"New Year\'s Eve dinner\",而\"大年三十\"则是\"Chinese New Year\'s Eve\"。


When we go to visit our grandparents\' house to pay New Year\'s call, we are carrying on a cherished tradition. This is a special occasion, where we express our love and respect for our elders, and wish them a prosperous and healthy new year.




Spring Festival is the New Year celebration in China. During this festive period, relatives and friends go from door to door, conveying their greetings and well-wishes for the new year. It is a time for joyous reunions and strengthening bonds.


1. Hi! Happy New Year! May the coming year be filled with happiness and success.
2. Best wishes for a prosperous and healthy new year!
3. Good luck in the year ahead! May all your dreams come true.
4. Take care and have a wonderful time celebrating the new year.
5. Enjoy yourself and have a good time during the festive season.
6. I wish you a year filled with joy, love, and good fortune.


1. During the Spring Festival, friends gather together to light firecrackers and extend New Year\'s greetings to relatives and friends. It is a lively and joyful scene.
2. In my hometown, people have the tradition of setting off lanterns during the Spring Festival. These lanterns represent good luck and prosperity, creating a festive atmosphere.


\"Every time the Lunar New Year comes around\" is the English expression for \"每逢过年\". It signifies the recurring nature of the festival, with its unique traditions and customs that are carried on from generation to generation.


1. In 2021, I hope all the expectations can come true, all the dreams can be realized, all the hopes can be fulfilled, and all the efforts will be rewarded.
2. Wishing you a joyful and prosperous new year filled with love, success, and good health.
3. May the year ahead bring you happiness, peace, and abundance. Happy New Year!
4. Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.
5. Here\'s to new beginnings and a fresh start. Happy Lunar New Year!